
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA, or the Buckley Amendment) is a federal law in the United States, which gives parents and students control over the type of information made publicly available. FERPA was enacted in an era long before the ubiquity of the technology we enjoy today and has crossed over to include digital protections.

Technologies with legitimate institutional uses may expose sensitive data to unauthorized users if proper security measures are not in place. Canaudit can provide assurance that the technologies in use by educational institutions do not inadvertently disclose protected and/or personally identifiable information to unauthorized parties. Our FERPA compliance reviews are especially useful for institutions that offer or utilize the following services:

  • Cloud Storage
  • Registration Portals
  • Databases
  • Integrated Learning Platforms
  • Remote Library and Reference Access
  • Wireless Access Points

Our approach focuses on helping institutions improve their security posture while achieving and maintaining compliance with federal and state mandates. For this reason, Canaudit is a trusted resource among educators and non-profits. Our network penetration services uncover weaknesses and allow institutions to scrutinize their policies without hindrance, enabling security in complex environments.

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